Storm of imagination, visions, blend of the real and the unreal, dialogue of dreams… Behest, imprints of history and insightful mind… An image within an image or endlessly ripening new scenes in a seeming space beyond borders… Line, color, colorless space, but at the same time extremely colorful emotions, passion, anticipation, noise of the whisper in silence and a total outburst of emotions.
You recognize Eduard Isabekyan’s characters among thousands, distinguish them and create an individual attitude towards each image, which has its own history and culmination. His drawings are distinguished by their romantic emotionality, which clearly shows the artist’s impulsive character, love for life and horizonless perceptions of nature and the surrounding world. His drawing rhythms are so persuasive, so real that they portray whatever cannot be seen with eyes in a much more emotional language, expressing eternal human values and feelings with the artist’s lines. The artist is widely aware of the various layers of the bitterness of life as well as the depths of human character. Repelling the material values, he reveals the importance of the spiritual through art. And that is the reason why his characters are universal, free, unrestrained and have unique mystery and dreams. Isabekyan’s world is the echo of his soul, where both historical and real individuals live. The artist recognizes the importance of what he feels and skillfully conveys his “monologue” to the viewer.
Eduard Isabekyan’s works are truly isolated worlds, both in terms of composition, illustrative style and color symphony. His graphics have a multi-content theme: pages of native history, mythology, illustrations of literary fiction, portraits, dreams, women, everlasting palette of emotions, elements of nature. The artist worked with almost all types of graphic materials: pencil, ink, sanguine, chalk-pencil, felt pen, coal, leaving everywhere a unique handwriting of line, rhythm and form.
Eduard Isabekyan is an inseparable part of the history of Armenian art of the 20th century, the silent testimony of an entire epoch, the never terminated line.
Curator: Osya Karamyan